

1土壤 石榴属微碱性植物,最适宜生长于石灰质土壤中。所以,在新苗上盆和春季换盆的,要选择石灰质土壤,也可以在一般土壤中加入5%的石灰粉末进行充分拌和,使土壤呈微碱性。

1 Soil pomegranate is slightly alkaline plant, the most suitable growth in calcareoussoil. So, in Xinmiao basin on and spring changes a basin, to choose the calcareoussoil, lime powder can also be added to 5% in the general soil were fully mixing, so that the soil was slightly alkaline.

2环境 石榴喜光怕荫,应选择光照充分的向阳方。

2 environmental pomegranate hi light shadow of fear, should choose light fullyXiangyang square.

3水分 石榴耐干旱、忌水涝,浇水宜在盆土表面干白时进行,并避免浇在叶子和花上。

3 water pomegranate drought tolerance, avoid waterlogging, watering should be in thepot soil surface dry, and avoid pouring in the leaves and flowers.

4肥力 虽然石榴能耐贫瘠,但要达到花果双观,仍要进行合理施肥。冬季施一次重肥,用沤制的豆饼、黄豆水都可以。要花期要停止施肥。结果后施3次至4次磷钾肥,以达到保果壮果目的,施肥宜淡,每两星期一次。

4 fertility while pomegranates ability barren, but to achieve fruit double view, still must make reasonable fertilization. The winter construction of a heavy fertilizer, can use thesoybean meal, soybean water retting. To florescence should stop fertilization. Resultsafter applying 3 times to 4 times of phosphorus and potassium in order to achieve thepurpose of fruit growth, fruit retention, fertilizer should be light, every two Monday times.

5修剪 春季发芽后要修剪,把枝条上石榴果、败枝、拔尖顶枝剪去,使侧枝发达,多开花结果。要及时修剪枝叶

To trim 5 pruning in spring after germination, the branches of pomegranate fruit, lost branches, top-notch top branches are cut off, so that well-developed collateral, morefruit. To timely pruning